eUjust. EU Procedure and Credits’ Claims: Approaching Electronic Solutions Under the e-Justice Paradigm
ICT technology and digital approach are shaping the implemented solutions in the European Union through the Digital Single Market (DSM) political goal. Under DSM strategy, e-Justice appeared as one of its paradigms. Digital tools on legal solutions are now being settled to facilitate cross-border justice and to continue to engage both European organic courts and national courts that, when applying EU law, are acting as functioning ones.
Main improvements have been noticed on proceedings concerning credits’ claims to develop market’s efficacy: digital components are becoming a reality, as Council’s e-Justice 2019-2023 Action Plan continues to express.
e-Justice portal is functioning as a true one-stop shop for both practitioners and citizens and e-CODEX is now being applied to hastily connect national digital procedural solutions to overcome cross-border difficulties. Also e-CURIA – the platform used before the ECJ – met some improvements during 2018 to quickly answer digital transformation demands.
Taking into account such developments and the new settled e-Justice 2019-2023 framework, Portuguese students, practitioners, policy makers/stakeholders seem not to be fully aware of these realities. Academia must, in this sense, sensitize Portuguese students, legal practitioners, policy makers/stakeholders on these new realities and opportunities. The best way to do so is to engage that audience in continuous formation, as the one University of Minho already presents, and through new academic formulas, as Intensive Courses – in a Summer School style – so it can be aware of this digital approach full potential.
Duration: September 2019 – August 2022.
Team: Alessandra Silveira, Pedro Madeira Froufe.
JusGov Research Groups: CEDU