The Euro-Sudamerican Criminology Network

The main objective of the Euro-South American Criminology Network is to establish a Community for academic-professional collaboration and knowledge management in the field of Criminology. Our Network is made up of professors of Criminology and related areas of knowledge, researchers in the field of citizen security and criminal justice, government officials from the justice and internal order sector, postgraduate students in the area, as well as specialists, who contribute to the debate on the contemporary agenda in prevention, control, prosecution and treatment of crime, as well as the design of criminal and security policies based on scientific evidence in Europe and South America.

This network grew out of the successful implementation of the project “SuCCESS: Strengthening Criminology Teaching Through Cooperation Among European and South American Universities”.

Open list of contributors to the SuCCESS Network:

Further info:

The Euro-Sudamerican Criminology Network