Governing Structure

JusGov is structured around a Director, elected by the Scientific Council for a three-year term; an Executive Board, composed of the Director and two members appointed by the Director from the ranks of the PhD Integrated Researchers; a Coordinating Committee of the Scientific Council, composed of the Executive Board and the Principal Investigators of each Research Group, the latter being designated by the Scientific Council; a Scientific Council, composed of the PhD IRs and the PhD Collaborating Researchers carrying out their core research at JusGov; and an External Scientific Advisory Board, whose members are chosen by the Scientific Council.


Maria Miguel Carvalho
Maria Miguel Carvalho

Our Director ensures the coordination of the different projects and activities and manages the human, material, and financial resources.

Executive Board

Maria Miguel Carvalho
Maria Miguel Carvalho
Joana Covelo de Abreu
Joana Covelo de Abreu
Marco Carvalho Gonçalves
Marco Carvalho Gonçalves

The Executive Board prepares the annual and pluriannual activity plans, the budget, and the report; takes a position on all questions posed by the Director; exercises any powers delegated to it; and proposes approving protocols in the scope of the JusGov’s duties.

Coordinating Committee of the Scientific Council

Maria Miguel Carvalho
Maria Miguel Carvalho
Pedro Madeira Froufe
Pedro Madeira Froufe
Teresa Coelho Moreira
Teresa Coelho Moreira
Sónia Moreira
Sónia Moreira
Marta Santos Silva
Marta Santos Silva
Mário Ferreira Monte
Mário Ferreira Monte
Joaquim Freitas da Rocha
Joaquim Freitas da Rocha
Anabela Gonçalves
Anabela Gonçalves
Joana Covelo de Abreu
Joana Covelo de Abreu
Marco Carvalho Gonçalves
Marco Carvalho Gonçalves

The Coordinating Committee of the Scientific Council authorises the admission and the dismissal of researchers; coordinates research, postgraduate training, and technology transfer activities; liaises between the Research Groups and the Executive Board; draws up the strategic plan in accordance with the general guidelines set by the Scientific Council; and offers advice on the annual and pluriannual plans of activities, on the budget, and on the report that the Executive Board prepares and submits to both the Scientific Council and the members of the External Scientific Advisory Board. The Coordinating Committee meets whenever necessary and no less than once every three months to share information on the level of implementation of the research programmes of our Groups.

Scientific Council

Aleida Lopes Vaz de Carvalho
Aleida Lopes Vaz de Carvalho
Alessandra Silveira
Alessandra Silveira
Alex Sander Pires
Alex Sander Pires
Alexandre Miguel Mestre
Alexandre Miguel Mestre
Allan Tatham
Allan Tatham
Amadeu Miguel
Amadeu Miguel
Ana Flávia Messa
Ana Flávia Messa
Ana Isa Dias Meireles
Ana Isa Dias Meireles
Ana Isabel Guerra
Ana Isabel Guerra
Ana Raquel Conceição
Ana Raquel Conceição
Ana Sacau
Ana Sacau
Anabela Gonçalves
Anabela Gonçalves
André Piton
André Piton
Andreia Isabel Dias Barbosa
Andreia Isabel Dias Barbosa
A. Sofia Pinto Oliveira
A. Sofia Pinto Oliveira
António Cândido de Oliveira
António Cândido de Oliveira
António Lemos Soares
António Lemos Soares
António Pedro Pinto Monteiro
António Pedro Pinto Monteiro
Artur Flamínio da Silva
Artur Flamínio da Silva
Bárbara Barreiros
Bárbara Barreiros
Bruna Capparelli
Bruna Capparelli
Bruno Reynaud de Sousa
Bruno Reynaud de Sousa
Camilo Ferraresi
Camilo Ferraresi
Carla Espirito Santo Mondim
Carla Espirito Santo Mondim
Carlos Abreu Amorim
Carlos Abreu Amorim
Carlos José Batalhão
Carlos José Batalhão
César Pires
César Pires
Cláudia Machado
Cláudia Machado
Cláudia Viana
Cláudia Viana
Cláudio Renato Flores
Cláudio Renato Flores
Cristina M. Araújo Dias
Cristina M. Araújo Dias
Diogo Pinto da Costa
Diogo Pinto da Costa
Eduardo Mendes Simba
Eduardo Mendes Simba
Eliomar da Silva Pereira
Eliomar da Silva Pereira
Emanuel Carvalho
Emanuel Carvalho
Eva Cristina Macedo
Eva Cristina Macedo
Fernando Conde Monteiro
Fernando Conde Monteiro
Fernando da Costa Gonçalves
Fernando da Costa Gonçalves
Fernando de Gravato Morais
Fernando de Gravato Morais
Filipe Venade de Sousa
Filipe Venade de Sousa
Filomena Antunes Brás
Filomena Antunes Brás
Flávia Noversa Loureiro
Flávia Noversa Loureiro
Francielle Oliveira
Francielle Oliveira
Francisco Pacheco de Andrade
Francisco Pacheco de Andrade
Gema Perez Souto
Gema Perez Souto
Geraldo Mascarenhas Prado
Geraldo Mascarenhas Prado
Gonçalo Mota
Gonçalo Mota
Gonçalo S. de Melo Bandeira
Gonçalo S. de Melo Bandeira
Heinrich Ewald Hörster
Heinrich Ewald Hörster
Helena Grangeia
Helena Grangeia
Hugo Flores da Silva
Hugo Flores da Silva
Iran Chaves Junior
Iran Chaves Junior
Irene Portela
Irene Portela
Isa António
Isa António
Isabel Carvalhais
Isabel Carvalhais
Isabel Fonseca
Isabel Fonseca
Joana Aguiar e Silva
Joana Aguiar e Silva
Joana Covelo de Abreu
Joana Covelo de Abreu
João Cardoso Rosas
João Cardoso Rosas
João Sérgio Ribeiro
João Sérgio Ribeiro
João Vilas Boas Pinto
João Vilas Boas Pinto
Joaquim Freitas da Rocha
Joaquim Freitas da Rocha
Jorge Martins Ribeiro
Jorge Martins Ribeiro
Laura Nunes
Laura Nunes
Letícia Marques Costa
Letícia Marques Costa
Levi Hülse
Levi Hülse
Luís Couto Gonçalves
Luís Couto Gonçalves
Luis Miguez Macho
Luis Miguez Macho
Madalena Sofia Oliveira
Madalena Sofia Oliveira
Man Teng Iong
Man Teng Iong
Manuel Valente
Manuel Valente
Manuela Ivone Cunha
Manuela Ivone Cunha
Marciele Berger Bernardes
Marciele Berger Bernardes
Marco Carvalho Gonçalves
Marco Carvalho Gonçalves
Margarida Santos
Margarida Santos
Maria Clara Calheiros
Maria Clara Calheiros
M. de Assunção Vale Pereira
M. de Assunção Vale Pereira
Maria de Fátima Pacheco
Maria de Fátima Pacheco
Maria Elizabeth Fernandez
Maria Elizabeth Fernandez
Maria Irene Gomes
Maria Irene Gomes
Maria João Bogas E. Lourenço
Maria João Bogas E. Lourenço
Maria João Vasconcelos
Maria João Vasconcelos
Maria Miguel Carvalho
Maria Miguel Carvalho
Mário Ferreira Monte
Mário Ferreira Monte
Marta Santos Silva
Marta Santos Silva
Miriam Rocha
Miriam Rocha
Nereu José Giacomolli
Nereu José Giacomolli
Nestor Santiago
Nestor Santiago
Nuno Calaim Lourenço
Nuno Calaim Lourenço
Nuno Oliveira
Nuno Oliveira
Olga Cruz
Olga Cruz
Patrícia Jerónimo
Patrícia Jerónimo
Patrícia Pinto Alves
Patrícia Pinto Alves
Paulo Veiga e Moura
Paulo Veiga e Moura
Pedro Bacelar de Vasconcelos
Pedro Bacelar de Vasconcelos
Pedro Coutinho
Pedro Coutinho
Pedro Dias Venâncio
Pedro Dias Venâncio
Pedro Jacob Morais
Pedro Jacob Morais
Pedro Kinanga dos Santos
Pedro Kinanga dos Santos
Pedro Madeira Froufe
Pedro Madeira Froufe
Pedro Trovão do Rosário
Pedro Trovão do Rosário
Ricardo Alexandre Cunha
Ricardo Alexandre Cunha
Ricardo Camargo
Ricardo Camargo
Ricardo Menna Barreto
Ricardo Menna Barreto
Rina Pazos Padilla
Rina Pazos Padilla
Rossana Cruz
Rossana Cruz
Ruben Bahamonde
Ruben Bahamonde
Rui Ferreira
Rui Ferreira
Rui Filipe Polónia
Rui Filipe Polónia
Sandro Lúcio Dezan
Sandro Lúcio Dezan
Sara Luís Dias
Sara Luís Dias
Sergio Ruiz Díaz Arce
Sergio Ruiz Díaz Arce
Sérgio Tenreiro Tomás
Sérgio Tenreiro Tomás
Sola Calumbi Bumba
Sola Calumbi Bumba
Sónia Moreira
Sónia Moreira
Teresa Coelho Moreira
Teresa Coelho Moreira
Wladimir Brito
Wladimir Brito

Chaired by our Director, the Scientific Council is responsible for defining the Centre’s research strategy and programme, as well as for supervising its implementation.

External Scientific Advisory Board

Esther Pillado González
Esther Pillado González
Spain, University of Vigo
Fernando Dias Simões
Fernando Dias Simões
China, Peking University School of Transnational Law
Gina Vidal Marcílio Pompeu
Gina Vidal Marcílio Pompeu
Brazil, University of Fortaleza
Maria Eduarda Gonçalves
Maria Eduarda Gonçalves
Portugal, University Institute of Lisbon
Roger Brownsword
Roger Brownsword
United Kingdom, King’s College London
Sjef van Erp
Sjef van Erp
The Netherlands, University of Maastricht
Teresa Freixes
Teresa Freixes
Spain, Autonomous University of Barcelona

The External Scientific Advisory Board comprises seven members chosen for their outstanding expertise in the fields of research covered by our Centre and for their different geographical provenance. The Advisory Board convenes at least once a year with our Executive Board and Coordinating Committee to examine JusGov’s performance and to provide advice on emerging research paths, means of dissemination, and training needs. Furthermore, to maximise efficiency and ensure follow-up, Advisory Board members are annually brought together with our researchers in tailor-made workshops.

Management Team


Isabel Azevedo Ferreira


Maria Inês Braga

Financial Services

Célia Rocha

Science and Technology Management

Patrícia Pereira

Robert Junqueira