UNIO E-Books

In the framework of the Jean Monnet Chair in European Union Law, UMinho’s Centre for the Study of European Union Law (CEDU) published an e-book resulting from a partnership with researchers from the University of Santa Cruz do Sul – UNISC (Rio Grande do Norte, Sul, Brazil) who have associated themselves with local researchers for a transatlantic dialogue on the virtuosity of the theory of inter-constitutionality – both in defining the identity of European constitutionalism and in updating the theory of constitutionalism in general. There has been a debate on the development of a new methodical method capable of capturing the crossed schemes of cooperation, with overlaps and tension provided by the interjusimportality, inter-consistency and interjurisdictionality within the framework of pluralistic and multilevel constitutionalism.

ISSN 2184-1403

7th International Hispano-Luso-Brazilian Seminar on Fundamental Rights and Public Policies (2022)

Alessandra Silveira, Carlos Aymerich Leal Cano, Rogério Gesta (Eds.)

Open Access

EU Procedure and Credits’ Claims: Approaching Electronic Solutions Under the e-Justice Paradigm (2020)

Joana Rita Sousa Covelo Abreu, Larissa Araújo Coelho, Tiago Sérgio Cabral (Eds.)

Open Access

EU Digital Single Market as a Political Calling: Interoperability as the Way Forward (2019)

Alessandra Silveira, Joana Rita Sousa Covelo Abreu, Larissa Coelho (Eds.)

Open Access

Interconstitutionality: Democracy and Rights-Based Citizenship in the Global Society: Update and Perspectives Vol. II (2018)

Alessandra Silveira (Ed.)

Open Access

Interconstitutionality: Democracy and Rights-Based Citizenship in the Global Society: Update and Perspectives. Vol. I (2018)

Alessandra Silveira, Sophie Perez, Sérgio Maia Tavares Marques (Eds.)

Open Access

Interjusfundamentality, Internormativity, and Interjurisdictionality (2017)

Alessandra Silveira (Ed.)

Open Access

The 2016 CEDU Workshops (2017)

Alessandra Silveira (Ed.)

Open Access

UNIO – EU Law Journal Blog

The initial idea for the blog was to create a data base of summaries of European Court of Justice (ECJ) judgments, within the Jean Monnet Chair, held by Professor Alessandra Silveira, former Director of CEDU. Although we considered this to be a major feature that we wanted to offer our readers, we realised that we could go even further, after being inspired by the UNIO- EU Law Journal.

Our blog also aims to promote young editors, explore dynamic content and disseminate creativity. It will be a learning experience for our team and we also hope to learn from you, as well as with you.

This blog reflects UNIO’s commitment to contributing to the expansion of knowledge on EU law, making EU discourse more accessible to all those who are passionate about European Union issues.

UNIO‘s Official Blog