DRAFTER+: Acquisition of Benchmarking Study Services for Developed and Developing Legislative Production Systems in the European Union (EU) and Latin American Countries
This was a contracted project, whereby the services of JusGov and the ALGORITMI Centre were commissioned by the Portuguese State via the DGPJ (the Directorate-General for Justice Policy).
This project combined research carried out by a number of JusGov researchers with a view to investigating which lawmaking systems are in place or under development in European Union and Latin American countries with the use of AI (Artificial Intelligence). There are many legal issues that need to be addressed when it comes to using AI as an instrument in the legislative process, especially in light of the new EU AI ACT, which came into force in August 2024. Once the legal team had pinpointed the legal standards that had to be met, the technical team of researchers at the ALGORITMI Centre proceeded to develop a prototype system to assist the legislative process, on the basis of the guidelines provided by the legal team of JusGov researchers.
This was, in effect, an interdisciplinary project that brought together diverse branches of legal studies and IT, plus continuous dialogue with the DGPJ.
Duration: December 2023 – October 2024.
PI: Sónia Moreira
Co-PI: José Carlos Ramalho
Team: Sónia Moreira, Carlos Abreu Amorim, Pedro Dias Venâncio, Andreia Barbosa, Sérgio Arce, José Carlos Ramalho, José João Almeida, Pedro Rangel Henriques.
Participation of young researchers: Márcia Antunes, Luís Cunha.
Partners: ALGORITMI Research Centre