JusGov Research Paper Series

Coordination: Prof. Andreia Barbosa

Launched in 2021, the JusGov Research Paper Series is bringing our work to life faster, at no cost, and accessible to a wider audience.

Through this online series, JusGov aims to encourage publication and rapid dissemination of our research to increase its impact on academia and society.

Papers in the series consist of work that has been submitted for publication by JusGov researchers and visiting researchers, as well as by scholars closely associated with our projects and initiatives.

The papers can be downloaded from the JusGov Research Paper Series site on the SSRN (Social Science Research Network) platform (https://www.ssrn.com/link/JusGov-RES.html).

Should you have any questions or comments, or if there is a paper you would like to submit, please get in touch with Prof. Andreia Barbosa (abarbosa@direito.uminho.pt).


📄 Religious Time Accommodation Claims and Non Discrimination in the Workplace- Portuguese Constitutional CaseLlaw in Comparative Perspective

🖊️Patrícia Jerónimo

📄 The Action of the Supreme Court of Justice in Cases of Domestic Violence Against Women from 2020 to 2023

🖊️Beatriz Melo

📄 Revolutionizing Contracts: The Impact of Blockchain Technology and Smart Contracts

🖊️Natália Tavares Borges e Rui Pedro Rodrigues Leite

📄 Notable People in Society: Personality Rights vs. Economic Exploitation

🖊️Ana Isabel Sousa Magalhães Guerra

📄 Avaliação do impacto regulatório das políticas fiscais no processo legislativo do Orçamento de Estado – O caso português do regime dos residentes não habituais (Assessment of the Regulatory Impact of Tax Policies on the Legislative Process of the State Budget- The Portuguese Case of the Non- Habitual Residents Regime)

🖊️Ricardo Sousa da Cunha e Sara Luís Dias

📄 Assumir a promoção da integridade como um pilar na formação e avaliação dos dirigentes e trabalhadores da Administração Pública (Assume the Promotion of Integrity as a Pillar in the Training and Evaluation of Managers and Workers in the Public Administration

🖊️Ana Sirage Coimbra

📄 The Sacred Nature of Human Rights: Vladimir Solovyov´s 1898 Saint Petersburg Speech

🖊️ Robert Junqueira

📄 Relevant Features In The Transposition of the Directive 203/49/EC On a Common System of Taxation Applicable to Interest and Royalty Payments. Comparative Analysis of the Spanish and Portuguese Tax Legal Systems

🖊️ Laura Cesteros Ruiz

📄 Tax Litigation- Fundamental Concepts

🖊️ Joaquim Freitas da Rocha

📄 Pluralismo jurídico no Brasil, hoje – Aspetos jurídicos dos conflitos que envolvem povos originários (Legal Pluralism in Brazil Today – Legal Aspects of Conflicts Involving Indigenous People)

🖊️ Julia Houang Daher

📄 O esgotamento da Marca de Moda & o direito de oposição à revenda (The Exhaustion of the Fashion Brand & the Right to Oppose Resale)

🖊️ Pedro Dias Venâncio

📄 Portuguese Multicultural Jurisprudence: Foreign Women or Women Members of Ethnic or Religious Minorities

🖊️ Miriam Rocha

📄 From Restorative Justice to Inclusive Criminal Justice: Reparation and Agreement as Foundations

🖊️ Mário Ferreira Monte

📄Road Traffic Accidents: Risk Inherent to the Vehicle and Concurrence of Fault on the Part of the Injured Party

🖊️ Eva Sónia Moreira da Silva

📄Transparency and the Rule of Law

🖊️ Hugo Flores da Silva

📄 This is How Liberty Dies? Reflections on Legal Checks and Balances through the Main Political Theme of the “Star Wars” Prequel Trilogy, in Lifght of the Worryingly Global Illiberal Drift

🖊️ Gonçalo Martins de Matos

📄 The Detention of Migrant Children: The Risks of the New European Pact on Migration and Asylum

🖊️ Manon de Lima e Sergio Ruiz Díaz Arce

📄 State of Limitations in Portuguese and Brazilian Tax Law: Birds of a Feather Don’t Flock Together?

🖊️ Marco António Bastos

📄 State Liability under EU Law: The Role of the Court of Justice of the European Union as a Legal Pathfinder

🖊️  Marco António Bastos

📄Trade Secrets in Portuguese Industrial Property Code

🖊️  Maria Miguel Carvalho

📄Direito de “defesa da concorrência”: notas de enquadramento (Right to “Defence of Competition”: Framework Notes)

🖊️ Pedro Madeira Froufe

📄The Popular Financial Action- Comparative Analysis Between Portugal and Spain

🖊️ Andreia Barbosa

📄 Multicultural Jurisprudence in Administrative and Taz Matters

  • 🖊️ Andreia Barbosa

📄 O Rendimento Básico Incondicional (Universal) e o Direito: O início da Tempestade

  • 🖊️ José H. Rocha

📄 Schufa’s Case C-634/21 on ADM: the ‘Lenders’ Quest’ for GDPR-friendly Scoring has not been settled yet!

  • 🖊️ Francisco Andrade
  • 🖊️ Diogo Morgado Rebelo

📄 Quem controla os controladores? Uma teoria sobre a responsabilidade civil dos organismos notificados

  • 🖊️ Tomàs Gabriel Garcia-Micó

📄 Unveiling the Digital Frontier: Exploring Trademark Protection in the EU and US IP Laws Through the Lens of NFTS

  • 🖊️ Maria Miguel Carvalho
  • 🖊️ Neha Krishna

📄 The material limits of the European Succession Regulation

  • 🖊️ Anabela Gonçalves

📄 Certification Services in Face of the Portuguese DL 12/2021

  • 🖊️ Francisco Andrade

📄 O fundamento axiológico da União Europeia: os valores e princípios positivados na Carta dos Direitos Fundamentais da União Europeia

  • 🖊️ Fátima Pacheco

📄 European Prosecutor’s Office: A Rather Unambitious Project?

  • 🖊️ Catarina Vilarinho

📄 Análise crítica da Proposta de Regulamento sobre Inteligência Artificial: considerações sobre os sistemas de identificação biométrica em especial

  • 🖊️ Maria João Vaz
  • 🖊️ Sónia Moreira
  • 🖊️ Pedro Miguel Freitas
  • 🖊️ Patrícia Sousa Borges

📄 ‘Profilaxias’ de Constitucionalidade para um Direito da Inteligência Artificial em Portugal: em especial, o Episódio dos ‘Moinhos de Medo’ de uma Regulação Omissa e Desproporcional

  • 🖊️ Diogo Morgado Rebelo

📄 The New Challenges of Artificial Intelligence, Profiling and Bigdata Analysis by Tax Administrations: Will the Right to Meet these New Challenges Be Shown?

  • 🖊️ Luís Pica

📄 Language, Law, and Literature

  • 🖊️ Mercília Gonçalves

📄 Processing of Personal Data Concerning Health under the GDPR

  • 🖊️ Anabela Gonçalves

📄 Europol, the Investigation of ‘European Crimes’ and Police Cooperation: Do We Need a EU’s Agency with Executive Powers? – On the Arrest of the Former Vice President of the European Parliament and the ‘Qatargate’

  • 🖊️ Gemma Pérez Souto

📄 The independent and impartial judge as the sole issuing “judicial authority” of the European arrest warrant versus the public prosecutor´s office – A divergent analysis vis-à-vis the case law of the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU)

  • 🖊️ Gemma Pérez Souto

📄 A jurisprudência multicultural do Tribunal Constitucional português Mapeamento e análise crítica

  • 🖊️ Patrícia Jerónimo

📄 Revisitar a primazia do Direito da União Europeia no quadro das relações entre o Tribunal de Justiça da União Europeia e os Tribunais Constitucionais – algumas considerações sobre o acórdão n.º 422/2020 do Tribunal Constitucional Português

  • 🖊️ Fátima Pacheco

📄 The Corporate Responsibility to Respect Human Rights: From Soft to Hard Law

  • 🖊️ Johel Antonio López

📄 The Taxable Amount for VAT Purposes – CJUE Case Law: Refresh and Update

  • 🖊️ Andreia Barbosa

📄 State and Religion in Timor-Leste – Separation, Cooperation, Freedom and (In)equality

  • 🖊️ Patrícia Jerónimo

📄 The Linguistic Borders of Asylum: Perspectives of Integration and Reception in the Portuguese Language Classes Offered by the Portuguese Refugee Council

  • 🖊️ Polynne Cavalcante Holanda

📄 Looking at the Right to Care through the Lens of Gender

  • 🖊️ Miriam Rocha

📄 Human rights and ethical dilemmas in the use of autonomous vehicles

  • 🖊️ Sofia Alcaide

📄 The New Anti-Doping Law In Sport: Where Does That Leave The Football Referee?

  • 🖊️ Patrícia Sousa Borges

📄 The Professional Statute of the Data Protection Officer

  • 🖊️ Tiago Branco da Costa

📄 The European Union Proposal for Regulating Artificial Intelligence and its Application in Medical Robotics Surgery

  • 🖊️ Ana Rita Maia

📄 The ECtHR’s Bosphorus Presumption and the European Union’s principle of mutual trust

  • 🖊️ Anabela Gonçalves

📄 Cross-border Surrogacy in the Case Law of the European Court of Human Rights: Contributions and Challenges

  • 🖊️ Diana Coutinho

📄 Considerations regarding Artificial Intelligence and Civil Liability: the case of autonomous vehicles

  • 🖊️ Sónia Moreira

📄 Migration, the Sahel and the Mediterranean basin: which scenario for the EU27 by 2025?

  • 🖊️ Bruno Reynaud de Sousa

📄  The Recast of the Regulation on Jurisdiction, the Recognition and Enforcement of Decisions in Matrimonial Matters and the Matters of Parental Responsibility (Brussels IIB)

  • 🖊️ Anabela Gonçalves

📄 ‘On the way to look at Big Data as an asset for CWA 4.0.’ EU Right to Suggestion of an IDSS MAS-Based Scoring Case Study in Consumer Credit

  • 🖊️ Diogo Morgado Rebelo

📄 The Anglo-Portuguese Alliance: The Judge Conservator of the British Subjects

  • 🖊️ Alexandra Araújo

📄 Mobility and Rights in the Portuguese-speaking World: A Lusophone Citizenship in Bits and Pieces

  • 🖊️ Patrícia Jerónimo