Code of Conduct for the Prevention of and Response to Harassment at Work
This project culminated in the presentation of the “Code of Conduct for the Prevention of and Response to Harassment at Work” of the CIM (the Intermunicipal Community of Tâmega and Sousa), applicable to the workings of the CIM and each of its eleven municipalities. The Code has been designed to be straightforward, unambiguous, and intelligible to everybody concerned, thereby facilitating compliance, commitment, and collaboration. Applicable to both men and women, the Code is set to be a benchmark for how each individual employee ought to behave, irrespective of their status, employment relationship, or role, thus bolstering a shared culture of prevention of harassment practices.
Duration: 1 March 2023 – 15 June 2023.
Team: Patrícia Jerónimo, Pedro Jacob Morais, Marlene Matos.
Parceiros: Psychology Research Center
Funding: CIM, as part of Operation POISE-01-3422-FSE-000062 – “Intermunicipal Plan for Equality in the Tâmega and Sousa”.