UNIVALI (University of Vale do Itajaí)

JusGov maintains a partnership with UNIVALI (University of Vale do Itajaí) under the terms of a cooperation protocol between the latter and the UM (University of Minho) in the field of postgraduate teaching and research in Law, with the aim of carrying out the following activities:

1- Joint research projects with the aim of producing scientific papers and publications;

2- Conducting conferences and seminars alternately in both universities involved;

3- Creation of a shared chair, entitled “The European Union Law and Transnationality – UMINHO/UNIVALI Chair”, carried out by professors of both institutions and ministered alternately in each of said universities.

Within the framework of this partnership, a double degree agreement was established between the UM and the UNIVALI, in force since the academic year 2013/2014, under which students of the MDUE (Master’s Course in European Union Law) of the EDUM (School of Law of the University of Minho) can attend curricular units and receive a Master’s degree from the aforementioned Brazilian university. In the same way and for the same purposes, Brazilian students are accepted in the MDUE of the EDUM.

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