CEJUR (Minho Centre for Legal Studies)
JusGov has a partnership with the CEJUR (Minho Centre for Legal Studies), a non-profit private association lasting for an unlimited time, associated with the UM (University of Minho), the CMB (City Council of Braga), and the AEDUM (UM Association of Law Students).
Headquartered in Braga, CEJUR has been established on the 26th of November of 1993; it aims to develop legal studies by promoting the initiatives they deem most appropriate, such as study groups, research work, conferences, and seminars.
Since 2009, CEJUR is headquartered in the building of the EDUM (School of Law of the UM), where its administrative services and documentation center are located.
Currently, its facilities are on EDUM’s 2nd floor.
CEJUR runs the following journals: Cadernos de Justiça Administrativa (Administrative Justice Notebooks), Cadernos de Direito Privado (Private Law Notebooks), and Cadernos de Justiça Tributária (Tax Justice Notebooks).
Phone: +351 253 601 862
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