Project Description
Conference on “Genetic Databases – Ethics, Law and the Criminal Investigation” | May 8th
Filipa Calvão (National Commission for Data Protection), Francisco Corte-Real (National Institute of Legal Medicine and Forensic Sciences), Manuel Simas Santos (Supervisory Board of DNA Base), Carlos Farinha (Laboratory of Forensic Science, Judicial Police) and António Amorim (IPATIMUP – U. Porto) are some of the speakers at the “Genetic Databases – Ethics, Law and the Criminal Investigation” Conference organized by the subunit Human Rights – Interdisciplinary Research Centre (Law School) and by Masters in Crime, Difference and Inequality (Department of Sociology). The event also includes the participation of faculty from the School of Law and the Institute of Social Sciences University of Minho. The conference will be held on March 8 at the School of Law, in Gualtar, Braga campus, starting at 14H00.
See the programme here.