Driven by the parallel advance of Artificial Intelligence, Neuroscience has been developing in ways and at a pace that surprise even the scientists dedicated to its study. There is no doubt about the benefits of these advances for humanity, but it is also necessary to recognize their potential to undermine human rights. In this context, Professor Ana Maria D’Ávila Lopes, describes and analyzes “The impacts and legal challenges in the advance of Neurotechnology”.
The event will take place on October 15, in the Sala de Atos of the School of Law of the University of Minho, starting at 2pm.
Registration is now open for the issue of a certificate of participation via the following link:
Sergio Ruiz Díaz Arce
Joaquim Freitas da Rocha
Eva Sónia Moreira Silva
JusGov (JusLab – E.TEC – DH)