Editor Almedina
Author(s) Teresa Coelho Moreira
Year 2013
Availability for sale
Synopsis The work presents, in its essence, a careful selection of several articles, most of which are unpublished, on the theme of equality and non-discrimination in work and employment.
The subject matter, which is increasingly complex and problematic, encompasses crucial areas of the science of law, traditionally referred to as ostracism among us.
It is believed that the book, which now sees the light of day, can be a mainstay of legal discussion on very sensitive subjects, helping also the young students to explore, through study and reflection, this scientific area of unquestionable importance. It is, in fact, one of the great issues of our time.
Editor Almedina
Author(s) Teresa Coelho Moreira
Year 2013
Availability for sale
Synopsis The work presents, in its essence, a careful selection of several articles, most of which are unpublished, on the theme of equality and non-discrimination in work and employment.
The subject matter, which is increasingly complex and problematic, encompasses crucial areas of the science of law, traditionally referred to as ostracism among us.
It is believed that the book, which now sees the light of day, can be a mainstay of legal discussion on very sensitive subjects, helping also the young students to explore, through study and reflection, this scientific area of unquestionable importance. It is, in fact, one of the great issues of our time.