Editors JusGov and National Centre for Cybersecurity

Authors Francisco Pacheco de Andrade | Isabel Fonseca | Joana Aguiar e Silva | Joana Covelo de Abreu | Patrícia Jerónimo | Pedro Dias Venâncio | Pedro Miguel Freitas

Year 2020

Availability for download.

The document seeks to present a state of the art on cybersecurity Ethics and Law in Portugal, describing some of the ethical problems of cybersecurity, as well as the history of the relevant legal developments at national and European levels.

The aim of the report is two-fold: on the one hand, it presents the relevant information on cybersecurity Ethics and Law in a pedagogical and accessible manner; and, on the other hand, it provides a useful tool for those interested in cybersecurity.

December 31st, 2020

Editors JusGov and National Centre for Cybersecurity

Authors Francisco Pacheco de Andrade | Isabel Fonseca | Joana Aguiar e Silva | Joana Covelo de Abreu | Patrícia Jerónimo | Pedro Dias Venâncio | Pedro Miguel Freitas

Year 2020

Availability for download.

The document seeks to present a state of the art on cybersecurity Ethics and Law in Portugal, describing some of the ethical problems of cybersecurity, as well as the history of the relevant legal developments at national and European levels.

The aim of the report is two-fold: on the one hand, it presents the relevant information on cybersecurity Ethics and Law in a pedagogical and accessible manner; and, on the other hand, it provides a useful tool for those interested in cybersecurity.

December 31st, 2020