Editor Coimbra Editora
Author(s) Mário Monte, Clara Calheiros, Fernando Conde Monteiro, Flávia Loureiro
Year 2009
Availability for sale
Synopsis The present collective work reproduces in essence the set of communications that were presented at the Symposium on Criminal Procedural Law in honor of Professor Jorge de Figueiredo Dias, on the occasion of the 20 years of the Criminal Procedure Code. The University of Minho School of Law considered that this was the appropriate moment to carry out an in-depth reflection on the criminal process, both because the greater age reached by the Code allowed already sufficient sedimentation of doctrine and jurisprudence regarding its institutes, this weighting made even more sense in a legislative change.
Joining this reflection the tribute to Professor Jorge de Figueiredo Dias was a natural gesture, as if implied in the very order of things, inevitably detaching itself either from the circumstances surrounding the elaboration of that Code or from the prominence of its figure in the Portuguese panorama of the criminal sciences. To prove it, I need it to be, are not our words, but those of those who immediately associated with the initiative and whose testimony lasts in the pages that follow.
The event consisted of two parts: a Conference Cycle, held monthly between October 2, 2006 and February 28, 2007, and a Portuguese-German Colloquium held on 21, 22 and March 23, 2007, which ended the Symposium. The work is, with few exceptions, systematized according to the sequence of the Symposium, only the solemn discourses that were given in the Lecture Series and in the Colloquium have been grouped in a first part because they appear to be the most indicated for this Book.
Editor Coimbra Editora
Author(s) Mário Monte, Clara Calheiros, Fernando Conde Monteiro, Flávia Loureiro
Year 2009
Availability for sale
Synopsis The present collective work reproduces in essence the set of communications that were presented at the Symposium on Criminal Procedural Law in honor of Professor Jorge de Figueiredo Dias, on the occasion of the 20 years of the Criminal Procedure Code. The University of Minho School of Law considered that this was the appropriate moment to carry out an in-depth reflection on the criminal process, both because the greater age reached by the Code allowed already sufficient sedimentation of doctrine and jurisprudence regarding its institutes, this weighting made even more sense in a legislative change.
Joining this reflection the tribute to Professor Jorge de Figueiredo Dias was a natural gesture, as if implied in the very order of things, inevitably detaching itself either from the circumstances surrounding the elaboration of that Code or from the prominence of its figure in the Portuguese panorama of the criminal sciences. To prove it, I need it to be, are not our words, but those of those who immediately associated with the initiative and whose testimony lasts in the pages that follow.
The event consisted of two parts: a Conference Cycle, held monthly between October 2, 2006 and February 28, 2007, and a Portuguese-German Colloquium held on 21, 22 and March 23, 2007, which ended the Symposium. The work is, with few exceptions, systematized according to the sequence of the Symposium, only the solemn discourses that were given in the Lecture Series and in the Colloquium have been grouped in a first part because they appear to be the most indicated for this Book.