This book is largely based on the written version of the theme that was presented by the speakers at the Seminar Multiple and Diverse Perspectives on the Criminal/Sanctioning Phenomenon, organized by the Justice and Governance Research Centre (JusGov), which took place at the University of Minho Law School on October 12 and 13, 2021. The Multiple and Diverse Perspectives on the Criminal/Sanctioning Phenomenon Seminar arose from the need to (re)think the punitive phenomenon beyond today’s strictly legal lens. In this way, public sanctions law has been placed in dialog with criminology, sociology, philosophy, religion, art, among other fields of knowledge.
Multiple and Diverse Perspectives on the Criminal/Sanctioning Phenomenon thus abandons dogmatic rigidity in favour of openness to other worldviews or, rather, to a global criminal justice system that is better able to perform its proper functions. A note should be made about the graphic standards of this book: the authors have been given some minimum guidelines for the layout of the texts, while allowing a certain amount of freedom in the way citations are made, in the choice of spelling, in the inclusion of a final bibliography and in the presentation format of the text. A special word of gratitude is due to the speakers, both those who are now publishing and those who, for comprehensible reasons, were unable to do so. Likewise, a special recognition is due to those who attended this seminar, and in very considerable numbers.
Publisher Universidade do Minho | Escola de Direito
Authors Monteiro, Fernando Eduardo Batista Conde | Santos, Margarida | Morais, Pedro Jacob | Dotti, Federica |Morales, Hugo |Miranda, José Carlos Lopes de| Curado, Manuel
Year 2024
Available for download.
This book is largely based on the written version of the theme that was presented by the speakers at the Seminar Multiple and Diverse Perspectives on the Criminal/Sanctioning Phenomenon, organized by the Justice and Governance Research Centre (JusGov), which took place at the University of Minho Law School on October 12 and 13, 2021. The Multiple and Diverse Perspectives on the Criminal/Sanctioning Phenomenon Seminar arose from the need to (re)think the punitive phenomenon beyond today’s strictly legal lens. In this way, public sanctions law has been placed in dialog with criminology, sociology, philosophy, religion, art, among other fields of knowledge.
Multiple and Diverse Perspectives on the Criminal/Sanctioning Phenomenon thus abandons dogmatic rigidity in favour of openness to other worldviews or, rather, to a global criminal justice system that is better able to perform its proper functions. A note should be made about the graphic standards of this book: the authors have been given some minimum guidelines for the layout of the texts, while allowing a certain amount of freedom in the way citations are made, in the choice of spelling, in the inclusion of a final bibliography and in the presentation format of the text. A special word of gratitude is due to the speakers, both those who are now publishing and those who, for comprehensible reasons, were unable to do so. Likewise, a special recognition is due to those who attended this seminar, and in very considerable numbers.
Publisher Universidade do Minho | Escola de Direito
Authors Monteiro, Fernando Eduardo Batista Conde | Santos, Margarida | Morais, Pedro Jacob | Dotti, Federica |Morales, Hugo |Miranda, José Carlos Lopes de| Curado, Manuel
Year 2024
Available for download.