Editor Almedina
Author(s) Isabel Fonseca
Year 2012
Availability for sale
Synopsis This book has a very modest purpose: it aims to achieve a pedagogical objective, since it is intended primarily for students of the Law Degree in Public Administration and Solicitor, and has the pretension of serving as a script to those who initiate or revisit the study of the law of administrative organization and adventure in fields of administrative law in constant change. In fact, the Public Administration, the State (and its role) and administrative law have undergone serious changes, as a result of the impact of a number of recent phenomena such as the globalization of the economy, political decentralization, liberalization and privatization, the development of communication technologies, the migration boom, the growing proliferation of independent management figures (some of them with regulatory functions), in addition to internationalization and Europeanization.
Underlining his profile, we present a vocation text essentially didactic, unfinished and to which we wish to return to account for the answers that, in the meantime, meet the set of doubts that the new administrative reality raises.

October 31st, 2012

Editor Almedina
Author(s) Isabel Fonseca
Year 2012
Availability for sale
Synopsis This book has a very modest purpose: it aims to achieve a pedagogical objective, since it is intended primarily for students of the Law Degree in Public Administration and Solicitor, and has the pretension of serving as a script to those who initiate or revisit the study of the law of administrative organization and adventure in fields of administrative law in constant change. In fact, the Public Administration, the State (and its role) and administrative law have undergone serious changes, as a result of the impact of a number of recent phenomena such as the globalization of the economy, political decentralization, liberalization and privatization, the development of communication technologies, the migration boom, the growing proliferation of independent management figures (some of them with regulatory functions), in addition to internationalization and Europeanization.
Underlining his profile, we present a vocation text essentially didactic, unfinished and to which we wish to return to account for the answers that, in the meantime, meet the set of doubts that the new administrative reality raises.

October 31st, 2012