Editor Porto Editora
Author(s) Carlos José Guimarães Almeida Pereira Batalhão
Year 2017
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Synopsis The new Administrative Procedural Code, approved by Decree-Law no. 4/2015, of January 7, marks a new era in legal-administrative relations and promotes a more open, transparent and fast Public Administration through the introduction of an exercise of responsibilities shared with citizens.  In this second edition of the New Code of Administrative Procedure – Practical Notes and Jurisprudence, the author maintains the necessary clarifications on legal changes, through clear and objective notes. However, the increase in case-law and, above all, the practical nature of this work is enriched by a compilation of several concrete examples that have followed the publication of the new law.

October 31st, 2017

Editor Porto Editora
Author(s) Carlos José Guimarães Almeida Pereira Batalhão
Year 2017
Availability for sale | for preview
Synopsis The new Administrative Procedural Code, approved by Decree-Law no. 4/2015, of January 7, marks a new era in legal-administrative relations and promotes a more open, transparent and fast Public Administration through the introduction of an exercise of responsibilities shared with citizens.  In this second edition of the New Code of Administrative Procedure – Practical Notes and Jurisprudence, the author maintains the necessary clarifications on legal changes, through clear and objective notes. However, the increase in case-law and, above all, the practical nature of this work is enriched by a compilation of several concrete examples that have followed the publication of the new law.

October 31st, 2017