Editor Almedina
Author(s) Nuno Manuel Pinto Oliveira
Year 2008
Availability for sale
First part:
Exclusion Clauses and Limitation of Duty to Indemnify
1. Exclusion Clauses and Limitation of Duty to Indemnify in Civil Law
2. Clauses of Exclusion and Limitation of Duty to Indemnify in Consumer Law
Second part
Criminal Provisions
1. Concept and Scheme of the Penal Clause
2. On the topic of Worsening of Conventional Penalty
III. In Theme of Informal Reduction of Conventional Penalty
-Penal Clauses in Contracts for Adhesion: Restrictive Interpretation of Article 19 (c) of the General Contractual Clauses Act
Third part
Concept and Signal Regime (s)
Considerations under Article 442 of the Civil Code Annotation to the judgments of the Supreme Court of Justice of 8 and 10 March 2005

October 31st, 2008

Editor Almedina
Author(s) Nuno Manuel Pinto Oliveira
Year 2008
Availability for sale
First part:
Exclusion Clauses and Limitation of Duty to Indemnify
1. Exclusion Clauses and Limitation of Duty to Indemnify in Civil Law
2. Clauses of Exclusion and Limitation of Duty to Indemnify in Consumer Law
Second part
Criminal Provisions
1. Concept and Scheme of the Penal Clause
2. On the topic of Worsening of Conventional Penalty
III. In Theme of Informal Reduction of Conventional Penalty
-Penal Clauses in Contracts for Adhesion: Restrictive Interpretation of Article 19 (c) of the General Contractual Clauses Act
Third part
Concept and Signal Regime (s)
Considerations under Article 442 of the Civil Code Annotation to the judgments of the Supreme Court of Justice of 8 and 10 March 2005

October 31st, 2008