Smart Cities and Law, Governance and Rights is the title of the research project developed at the University of Minho School of Law, with the support of FEDER, between January 2021 and June 2023, by a multidisciplinary team of permanent researchers from the Justice and Governance Research Center (JusGov) and the Algoritmi Center, which also includes scholarship holders and contract researchers.
Editor Almedina
Organization Isabel Celeste Fonseca
Authors Many
Year 2023
ISBN 978-989-40-1597-0
Availability for download.
Smart Cities and Law, Governance and Rights is the title of the research project developed at the University of Minho School of Law, with the support of FEDER, between January 2021 and June 2023, by a multidisciplinary team of permanent researchers from the Justice and Governance Research Center (JusGov) and the Algoritmi Center, which also includes scholarship holders and contract researchers.
Editor Almedina
Organization Isabel Celeste Fonseca
Authors Many
Year 2023
ISBN 978-989-40-1597-0
Availability for download.