The work presented here bears witness to an important event, the 650th anniversary of the Luso-British Alliance, by marking two symbolic dates of its foundation: the signing of the Treaty of Tagilde (July 10, 1372) and the Treaty of London (June 16, 1373). Through the analytical eyes of an exceptional group of specialists from the diplomatic, military and academic worlds, the contributions presented look at the Luso-British Alliance from the perspectives of various areas of knowledge – Law, Letters, History, International Relations and Musicology – to analyze it from its antecedents to the new challenges and opportunities it currently faces.
Organization Alexandra M. Rodrigues Araújo| João Sérgio Ribeiro |Marco Carvalho Gonçalves| Mário Ferreira Monte
Authors Vários
Year 2023
ISBN 978-989-9136-42-7
Availability for download.
The work presented here bears witness to an important event, the 650th anniversary of the Luso-British Alliance, by marking two symbolic dates of its foundation: the signing of the Treaty of Tagilde (July 10, 1372) and the Treaty of London (June 16, 1373). Through the analytical eyes of an exceptional group of specialists from the diplomatic, military and academic worlds, the contributions presented look at the Luso-British Alliance from the perspectives of various areas of knowledge – Law, Letters, History, International Relations and Musicology – to analyze it from its antecedents to the new challenges and opportunities it currently faces.
Organization Alexandra M. Rodrigues Araújo| João Sérgio Ribeiro |Marco Carvalho Gonçalves| Mário Ferreira Monte
Authors Vários
Year 2023
ISBN 978-989-9136-42-7
Availability for download.