Project Description
Presentation of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights Commented | October 29th
The CEDU promoted the fourth study visit / training course at the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU). The organization of the activity was carried out by the services of the CJEU and the office of Judge José Luís da Cruz Vilaça – and took place from June 16 to 20, 2013. Master’s degrees in European Union law travel to Luxembourg accompanied by a group of lawyers, magistrates and the MP – as well as the student of the 2nd year of the law degree of the University of Minho, who won the edition of the simulated hearing of the CJEU this year. During that visit, assistance was provided to CJEU hearings, contact with members of that Court, as well as the frequency of the CJEU Library.
Check out the Programme.