Project Description
Conference on “Gender Equality: Challenges Old and New” | October 6th
The Interdisciplinary Research Centre for Human Rights (DH-CII) of the University of Minho hosts, on October 6th, beginning at 9.3h, the International Conference on Gender Equality: Challenges Old and New, with the participation of scholars from different academic backgrounds and renowned gender equality champions in the economic and political fields in Portugal. In view of the worrying signs of danger to some of the gender equality achievements of the last century, it is necessary to think critically about the factors underlying the continued violence and discrimination based on gender that we witness today and to devise what answers should come from scholars, human rights defenders and policy makers to these challenges. The debates will focus on topics such as the vulnerability of migrant women, “gender crimes” (such as FGM and stalking), the interplay between gender, work and family, and the remaining and new obstacles to women’s participation in the corporate and political decision-making processes.
Check out the program here.