Project Description
Colloquium on “Interjusfundamentalidade, Internormatividade, Interjurisdicionalidade” | November 14th and 15th
Under the Jean Monnet Chair in European Union Law, the Center for Studies in Law of the European Union (CEDU) of the University of Minho promotes the colloquium “Interjus fundamentality, Internationalization, Interjurisdictionality”. The workshop was the result of a partnership with researchers from the University of Santa Cruz do Sul – UNISC (Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil), who associated themselves with CEDU researchers for a transatlantic dialogue on the virtualities of the theory of interconstitutionality – definition of the identity of European constitutionalism, or in updating the theory of constitutionalism in general. The development of a new method capable of capturing the crossed schemes of cooperation, overlap and tension provided will be under debate of “interjusfundamentalidade, Internormatividade, Interjurisdicionalidade” .
Topics for discussion:
* Interjusfundamanetalidade: rules of fundamental rights in network and implications in the legal-constitutional integration;
* Internormatividade interaction between infraconstitutional norms and implications in the legal market dynamics;
* Interjurisdicionalidade: interaction between jurisdictional orders and implications for effective judicial protection.
It takes place on November 14 in the Investigators’ Room, and on November 15 in the Seminar Room, 2030, at the University of Minho Law School
– Interconstitutionalidade: democracy and citizenship of rights in world society – update and perspectives
The theory of interconstitutionality was conceived by Portuguese doctrine to confront the intricate problem i) of the articulation between constitutional norms of different sources and ii) the affirmation of constituent powers and diverse legitimacies in the European Union. But such a theory has now revealed other virtues – and these are now important to highlight and pursue – both in defining the identity of European constitutionalism and in updating the theory of constitutionalism in general. In this sense, interconstitutionality adapts constitutionalism to the changing nature of political authority and political space, providing a model of legal-constitutional integration. The moment of post-Brexit and post-Trump indefinition that the world society is facing leads us to question the extent to which the relations between the economic, the political and the juridical-constitutional are now equable in terms of causes and solutions. This is the motto of the VII International Meeting of CONPEDI, based on the theory of interconstitutionality.
Programme here.