Isabel Maria Estrada Carvalhais


PhD in Sociology at the University of Warwick.

  • Citizenship Studies (Comparative Citizenship, European Citizenship, Citizenship History, Political Citizenship)
  • Migrants and Minorities (Immigration Policies, Integration Policies)
  • State, Nation, National Identity, Nationalisms

This researcher belongs to DH.

Books and book chapters

  • CARVALHAIS, I.E., FERNANDES, S. (2018) Resisting Euroscepticism and Anti-Refugee Populism in Europe: The Portuguese Case in AGARIN, T.  and N. NANCHEVA(eds). A European Crisis – Perspectives on Refugees, Solidarity, and Europe. Stuttgart: Ibidem-Verlag. Pps: 51-74. ISBN: 978-3-8382-1124-4.
  • CARVALHAIS, I.E, OLIVEIRA, C.R. (2017) Immigrants’ political claims in Portugal: confronting the political opportunity structure with perceptions and discoursesEthnic and Racial Studies, Vol. 40, 5: pp. 787-808 (available for download).
  • FERNANDES, S., CARVALHAIS, I.E (2016), Portugal: a weak case for Euroscepticism in BUKOVSKIS, K. (ed). Euroscepticism in Small EU Member States. Riga: Latvian Institute of International Affairs and Friedrich Ebert Siftung, pp. 47-60. ISBN 978-9984-583-80-8 (available for download).
  • CARVALHAIS, I.E (2016) Immigrants’ political rights in Portuguese Democracy – brief reflections on the Brazilian case in EMMERICH, G. e V.A. OLGUÌN (eds). Sufragio Transnacional y Extraterritorial: Experiencias Comparadas. Cidade de Mexico: IIDH/Capel – Instituto Interamericano de Derechos Humanos, CONACYT – Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnologia, Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana. ISBN: 978-607-28-0633-7. pp. 161-180.
  • CARVALHAIS, I.E, OLIVEIRA, C.R. (2015) Diversidade étnica e cultural na Democracia Portuguesa – Não-nacionais e cidadãos nacionais de origem migrante na política local e na vida dos partidos políticos. Lisboa: Observatório da Imigração, ACM. ISBN 978-989-685-065-4. 148 páginas (available for download).


  • CARVALHAIS, I. E., DIAS, Iris Trindade (2015), O nexo migração-desenvolvimento nas relações entre diásporas e Estados – o caso das associações brasileiras e cabo-verdianas em PortugalBrazilian Journal of International Relations, Vol.4, 3: pp. 476-515 (available for download)
  • RODRIGUES, F. FREIRE, A., CARVALHAIS, I.E, et al. (2013) “Participação Eleitoral dos Emigrantes e Imigrantes de Portugal”. Lisboa: OIM: 1-329 (available for download).
  • CARVALHAIS, I. E. (2012) ‘Portugal’s strategy on brain gain: Its meanings and impacts in the making of a post-national language of citizenship’, Portuguese Journal of Social Science, 11, 2: pp. 209–227, doi: 10.1386/pjss.11.2.209_1 (available for download).
  • CARVALHAIS, I. E. (2012) ‘Brain drain/ brain gain from the perspetive of a semi-peripheral state – Portugal’, Diversities Vol.14, 1: pp. 99-117. UNESCO, Max Planck Institute for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity (available for download)
  • CARVALHAIS, I.E (2010) Citizenship Policy Making in Portugal, EUDOCitizenship Observatory, Florence: RSCAS/EUI (available for download).
  • CARVALHAIS, I.E. (2007) ‘The cosmopolitan language of the state: post-national citizenship and the integration of non-nationals’, European Journal of Social Theory, 10(1): pp. 99-111 (available for download).
  • CARVALHAIS, I.E. (2006) ‘Condição pós-nacional da cidadania política – pensar a integração de residentes não-nacionais em Portugal’, Sociologia – Problemas e Práticas, 50: pp. 109-130 (available for download)
October 18th, 2017

Isabel Maria Estrada Carvalhais


PhD in Sociology at the University of Warwick.

  • Citizenship Studies (Comparative Citizenship, European Citizenship, Citizenship History, Political Citizenship)
  • Migrants and Minorities (Immigration Policies, Integration Policies)
  • State, Nation, National Identity, Nationalisms

This researcher belongs to DH.

Books and book chapters

  • CARVALHAIS, I.E., FERNANDES, S. (2018) Resisting Euroscepticism and Anti-Refugee Populism in Europe: The Portuguese Case in AGARIN, T.  and N. NANCHEVA(eds). A European Crisis – Perspectives on Refugees, Solidarity, and Europe. Stuttgart: Ibidem-Verlag. Pps: 51-74. ISBN: 978-3-8382-1124-4.
  • CARVALHAIS, I.E, OLIVEIRA, C.R. (2017) Immigrants’ political claims in Portugal: confronting the political opportunity structure with perceptions and discoursesEthnic and Racial Studies, Vol. 40, 5: pp. 787-808 (available for download).
  • FERNANDES, S., CARVALHAIS, I.E (2016), Portugal: a weak case for Euroscepticism in BUKOVSKIS, K. (ed). Euroscepticism in Small EU Member States. Riga: Latvian Institute of International Affairs and Friedrich Ebert Siftung, pp. 47-60. ISBN 978-9984-583-80-8 (available for download).
  • CARVALHAIS, I.E (2016) Immigrants’ political rights in Portuguese Democracy – brief reflections on the Brazilian case in EMMERICH, G. e V.A. OLGUÌN (eds). Sufragio Transnacional y Extraterritorial: Experiencias Comparadas. Cidade de Mexico: IIDH/Capel – Instituto Interamericano de Derechos Humanos, CONACYT – Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnologia, Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana. ISBN: 978-607-28-0633-7. pp. 161-180.
  • CARVALHAIS, I.E, OLIVEIRA, C.R. (2015) Diversidade étnica e cultural na Democracia Portuguesa – Não-nacionais e cidadãos nacionais de origem migrante na política local e na vida dos partidos políticos. Lisboa: Observatório da Imigração, ACM. ISBN 978-989-685-065-4. 148 páginas (available for download).


  • CARVALHAIS, I. E., DIAS, Iris Trindade (2015), O nexo migração-desenvolvimento nas relações entre diásporas e Estados – o caso das associações brasileiras e cabo-verdianas em PortugalBrazilian Journal of International Relations, Vol.4, 3: pp. 476-515 (available for download)
  • RODRIGUES, F. FREIRE, A., CARVALHAIS, I.E, et al. (2013) “Participação Eleitoral dos Emigrantes e Imigrantes de Portugal”. Lisboa: OIM: 1-329 (available for download).
  • CARVALHAIS, I. E. (2012) ‘Portugal’s strategy on brain gain: Its meanings and impacts in the making of a post-national language of citizenship’, Portuguese Journal of Social Science, 11, 2: pp. 209–227, doi: 10.1386/pjss.11.2.209_1 (available for download).
  • CARVALHAIS, I. E. (2012) ‘Brain drain/ brain gain from the perspetive of a semi-peripheral state – Portugal’, Diversities Vol.14, 1: pp. 99-117. UNESCO, Max Planck Institute for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity (available for download)
  • CARVALHAIS, I.E (2010) Citizenship Policy Making in Portugal, EUDOCitizenship Observatory, Florence: RSCAS/EUI (available for download).
  • CARVALHAIS, I.E. (2007) ‘The cosmopolitan language of the state: post-national citizenship and the integration of non-nationals’, European Journal of Social Theory, 10(1): pp. 99-111 (available for download).
  • CARVALHAIS, I.E. (2006) ‘Condição pós-nacional da cidadania política – pensar a integração de residentes não-nacionais em Portugal’, Sociologia – Problemas e Práticas, 50: pp. 109-130 (available for download)
October 18th, 2017