The International Humanitarian Law in Contemporary Armed Conflicts

Current conflicts pose challenges to international humanitarian law that require in-depth reflection. Jus in bello is facing several issues that were not addressed in the four Geneva Conventions of 1949 or the two Additional Protocols of 1977. Examples include the use of technology in armed conflict, the use of drones, artificial intelligence, new weapons and weapons of mass destruction, but also the issue of safeguarding civilians in armed conflict – such as journalists covering armed conflict, women, children, the elderly, or other vulnerable groups – and the proliferation of the use of mercenaries and private military and/or security companies. These challenges are compounded by the complexity of contemporary conflicts, which are often fought in urban environments, destroying cities, people’s livelihoods, and their civilian and cultural assets. This research project, CAC.IHL, aimed at reflecting on the new dynamics of contemporary conflicts. This reflection is necessary not only to assess the state of the art in international humanitarian law, but also to fill the research gap in this area in the Portuguese-speaking world and to disseminate this branch of international law.


  • To analyse and reflect on International Humanitarian Law.
  • To disseminate international humanitarian law to the academic community and society in general.
  • The organisation of research seminars on issues of international law and armed conflict.
  • The promotion of partnerships with international organisations, governmental agencies, armed forces, and non-governmental organisations for the preparation of studies and clarifications on International Humanitarian Law.
  • The establishment of a working paper series.
  • Organising postgraduate training activities in International Humanitarian Law.
  • Evaluating the conditions for the establishment of a legal clinic specialised in International Humanitarian Law at the School of Law of the University of Minho.

Duration: September 2021 – September 2023.

PI: Maria de Assunção do Vale Pereira

Co-PI: Rui Garrido

Team: Wladimir Brito, Pedro Freitas, Maria do Céu Pinto, Rute Batista.

JusGov Research Groups: GLOB