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The independence of courts will be discussed within the framework of the Luso-Argentina Day of Procedural Law, to be held on April 16, at the Salón Nuncamás, in Buenos Aires, Argentina, in an unprecedented partnership and a jointly initiative between Argentinean and Portuguese academics and judges.

This international initiative is coordinated by the following entities: Ibero-American Institute of Procedural Law, Asociación Argentina de Derecho Procesal, Faculdad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales (UNLP), Research Centre for Justice and Governance (JusGov), Associação dos magistrados da Jurisdição e Fiscal de Portugal, Embassy of Portugal in Argentina and Honorable Senado de la Provincia de Buenos Aires.

JusGov researcher Elizabeth Fernandez will participate in this event, giving a presentation on “The concept of independent court, today”.


Check out the programme: