Author(s) Sara Catarina Flora de Araújo
Advisor(s) Isabel Celeste M. Fonseca
Year 2015
Synopsis This thesis advocates a functional and legal review of the private institutions of social solidarity, with the purpose of elaborate a suggestion that aims an adequation of the legal framework of that kind of institutions (that dates of 1983) with their functions on the current portuguese society. The development of this theme was realized on a perspective of understanding the complexity of this institution, as well as the current context on the socioeconomic framework, seeing that this thesis can only been understood in this contextualization. It’s importante to accentuate the relevance of this kind of institutions on a declining Welfare State, that speedly walks towards a Neoliberal State The main point is the welfare escrow for those ones that most need in a worryng social picture Therefore we searched to find actions that the private institutions of social solidarity could take for their sustainability, as well as a legal change, that we consider outdated given the importance and configuration of this institutions, wich means significant changes in áreas like the financing, role in society, and their relation with the State.
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Author(s) Sara Catarina Flora de Araújo
Advisor(s) Isabel Celeste M. Fonseca
Year 2015
Synopsis This thesis advocates a functional and legal review of the private institutions of social solidarity, with the purpose of elaborate a suggestion that aims an adequation of the legal framework of that kind of institutions (that dates of 1983) with their functions on the current portuguese society. The development of this theme was realized on a perspective of understanding the complexity of this institution, as well as the current context on the socioeconomic framework, seeing that this thesis can only been understood in this contextualization. It’s importante to accentuate the relevance of this kind of institutions on a declining Welfare State, that speedly walks towards a Neoliberal State The main point is the welfare escrow for those ones that most need in a worryng social picture Therefore we searched to find actions that the private institutions of social solidarity could take for their sustainability, as well as a legal change, that we consider outdated given the importance and configuration of this institutions, wich means significant changes in áreas like the financing, role in society, and their relation with the State.
See more here.