Author(s) Ana Helena França Azevedo
Advisor(s) Fernando Eduardo Batista Conde Monteiro e Victor Fonte
Year 2016
Synopsis Frauds have always existed. However, in this context, they assume different mechanisms from those used in the traditional way. The spread of the new communication and information technologies has intensified the practice of “new crimes” which, due to their weight, are an aggression to certain socially and legally relevant values. This new type of computer fraud/crime, as in article 221 of the CP, has been increasing as a new form of aggression to patrimony, through the use of electronic means. The specification of the means used lacks some observations. It is a complex and concealed crime, which uses various computer practices. In our times, the possibility of seeing the computer crime in all possible techniques is reason enough to draw our attention to the mechanisms which lead to those crimes. It enables the gathering of explanations, which may help to raise the jurists and the judges’ awareness. It will lead the Portuguese justice and the courts towards a better implementation of the law.
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Author(s) Ana Helena França Azevedo
Advisor(s) Fernando Eduardo Batista Conde Monteiro e Victor Fonte
Year 2016
Synopsis Frauds have always existed. However, in this context, they assume different mechanisms from those used in the traditional way. The spread of the new communication and information technologies has intensified the practice of “new crimes” which, due to their weight, are an aggression to certain socially and legally relevant values. This new type of computer fraud/crime, as in article 221 of the CP, has been increasing as a new form of aggression to patrimony, through the use of electronic means. The specification of the means used lacks some observations. It is a complex and concealed crime, which uses various computer practices. In our times, the possibility of seeing the computer crime in all possible techniques is reason enough to draw our attention to the mechanisms which lead to those crimes. It enables the gathering of explanations, which may help to raise the jurists and the judges’ awareness. It will lead the Portuguese justice and the courts towards a better implementation of the law.
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