Author(s) Roberto da Costa Pacheco
Advisor(s) Patrícia Jerónimo
Year 2017

Synopsis The main object of this dissertation is an empirical research into the way in which the people in Timor-Leste see the functioning of the Serious Crimes Panel and the Reconciliation Commissions set up to review the human rights violations perpetrated during the Indonesian occupation of the territory, from 1975 until 1999, as well as to determine whether there are still expectations and calls among the East Timorese for the creation of an ad hoc International Criminal Court to judge the crimes perpetrated during the Indonesian occupation. This dissertation is structured in five chapters. The first chapter gives a brief presentation of the history of the Indonesian occupation of Timor-Leste, from 1975 until 1999. The second chapter reviews the role performed by the United Nations Transitional Administration in East Timor (UNTAET), in particular the judgements of serious crimes. The third chapter reviews the way in which, after Independence in 2002, the Timorese authorities addressed the human rights violations perpetrated during the Indonesian occupation. Finally, the fourth chapter presents and discusses the outcomes of the empirical research conducted in Timor-Leste, on the basis of semi-structured interviews, with the goal to determine if (and if so, to what extent) the Timorese population sees the measures adopted by UNTAET and by the Timorese authorities as being conducive to the impunity of the perpetrators of human rights violations during the Indonesian occupation. With this study, we aim to be able to contribute to the plight of all the Timorese who are still in search for justice for all the serious crimes committed in the past, when the Timorese and the Indonesian leaders seem to be more focuses on reconciliation than on justice for the victims.

See more here.

October 13th, 2017

Author(s) Roberto da Costa Pacheco
Advisor(s) Patrícia Jerónimo
Year 2017

Synopsis The main object of this dissertation is an empirical research into the way in which the people in Timor-Leste see the functioning of the Serious Crimes Panel and the Reconciliation Commissions set up to review the human rights violations perpetrated during the Indonesian occupation of the territory, from 1975 until 1999, as well as to determine whether there are still expectations and calls among the East Timorese for the creation of an ad hoc International Criminal Court to judge the crimes perpetrated during the Indonesian occupation. This dissertation is structured in five chapters. The first chapter gives a brief presentation of the history of the Indonesian occupation of Timor-Leste, from 1975 until 1999. The second chapter reviews the role performed by the United Nations Transitional Administration in East Timor (UNTAET), in particular the judgements of serious crimes. The third chapter reviews the way in which, after Independence in 2002, the Timorese authorities addressed the human rights violations perpetrated during the Indonesian occupation. Finally, the fourth chapter presents and discusses the outcomes of the empirical research conducted in Timor-Leste, on the basis of semi-structured interviews, with the goal to determine if (and if so, to what extent) the Timorese population sees the measures adopted by UNTAET and by the Timorese authorities as being conducive to the impunity of the perpetrators of human rights violations during the Indonesian occupation. With this study, we aim to be able to contribute to the plight of all the Timorese who are still in search for justice for all the serious crimes committed in the past, when the Timorese and the Indonesian leaders seem to be more focuses on reconciliation than on justice for the victims.

See more here.

October 13th, 2017