UNIO – EU Law Journal is an open access online peer-reviewed journal with a blind review system. It falls within the scope of the Jean Monnet Chair entitled “Citizenship of Rights: European Citizenship as the Fundamental Status of Nationals of the Member States” and is scientifically supported by the Centre of Studies in European Union Law – CEDU (www.unio.cedu.direito.uminho.pt), University of Minho, Portugal.

UNIO aims to publish texts with a significantly advanced understanding of European Union law and to enhance the production of knowledge in this area. UNIO accepts original articles written in English that are not under consideration elsewhere at the time of submission. As an online bilingual review (English/Portuguese), the author may choose to publish the selected text in both languages as long as the author provides the translation into Portuguese or undertakes the cost of translation.

Due to language barriers, Portuguese research in European Union law is usually unknown outside the country. Most Portuguese authors publish few works in English and find it difficult to enter primary European academic circuits. However, there are many high-quality Portuguese works on European Union law. As a bilingual review, UNIO aims to promote and disseminate the work of Portuguese researchers abroad, as well as to publish the works of researchers from different parts of the world, especially from the Lusophone countries. Thus, UNIO is contributing to the network of academics with a profession in European Union law. 

This journal is, to the best of our knowledge, the first bilingual (English/Portuguese) journal of EU law, and one of the first Portuguese law journals governed by international standards of academic credibility, such as a peer-review system. It will, therefore, contribute to enhancing the quality of Portuguese academic research in European Union law and to promote the exchange of ideas and knowledge among researchers of different nationalities. As an open access online journal, it will have a great impact and serve as a useful tool for academics, students and other professionals in the legal field.

ISSN 2183-3435 

UNIO – Vol. 9 No. 2 (October 2023)

UNIO – Vol. 9 No. 1 (July 2023)

UNIO – Vol. 8 No. 2 (March 2023)

UNIO – Vol. 8 No. 1 (December 2022)

UNIO – Vol. 7 No. 2 (December 2021)

UNIO – Vol. 7 No. 1 (October 2021)

UNIO – Vol. 6, No. 2 (December 2020)

UNIO – Vol. 6, No. 1 (July 2020)

UNIO – Vol. 5, No. 2 (July 2019)

UNIO – Vol. 5, No. 1 (June 2019)

UNIO – Vol. 4, No. 2 (July 2018)

UNIO – Vol. 4, No. 1 (April 2018)

UNIO – Vol. 3, No. 2 (July 2017)

UNIO – Vol. 3, No. 1 (January 2017)

UNIO – Vol. 2 (June 2016)

UNIO – Vol. 1 (July 2015)

UNIO – Vol. 0 (July 2014)

E-Books UNIO

In the framework of the Jean Monnet Chair in European Union Law, UMinho’s Centre for the Study of European Union Law (CEDU) published an e-book resulting from a partnership with researchers from the University of Santa Cruz do Sul – UNISC (Rio Grande do Norte, Sul, Brazil) who have associated themselves with local researchers for a transatlantic dialogue on the virtuosity of the theory of inter-constitutionality – both in defining the identity of European constitutionalism and in updating the theory of constitutionalism in general. There has been a debate on the development of a new methodical method capable of capturing the crossed schemes of cooperation, with overlaps and tension provided by the interjusimportality, inter-consistency and interjurisdictionality within the framework of pluralistic and multilevel constitutionalism.

ISSN 2184-1403

UNIO Ebook 2022:  VII Seminário Internacional Hispano-Luso-Brasileiro sobre Direitos Fundamentais e Políticas Públicas

UNIO Ebook 2020: O Contencioso da União Europeia e a cobrança transfronteiriça de créditos: compreendendo as soluções digitais à luz do paradigma da Justiça eletrónica europeia (e-Justice)

UNIO Ebook Interop 2019: O Mercado Único Digital da União Europeia como desígnio político: a interoperabilidade como o caminho a seguir

UNIO/CONPEDI E-book 2017: Interconstitucionalidade: democracia e cidadania de direitos na sociedade mundial: atualização e perspectivas (vol. I)

UNIO/CONPEDI E-book 2017: Interconstitucionalidade: democracia e cidadania de direitos na sociedade mundial: atualização e perspectivas (vol. II)

UNIO E-book – Workshop CEDU/UNISC 2016: Interjusfundamentalidade, internormatividade e interjurisdicionalidade

UNIO E-book Volume I – Workshops CEDU 2016

Blog of UNIO- EU Law Journal!

The initial idea for the blog was to create a data base of summaries of European Court of Justice (ECJ) judgments, within the Jean Monnet Chair, held by Professor Alessandra Silveira, Director of the Centre of Studies in European Union Law (CEDU). Although we considered this to be a major feature that we wanted to offer our readers, we realized that we could go even further, after being inspired by the UNIO- EU Law Journal.

Our blog also aims to promote young editors, explore dynamic content and disseminate creativity. It will be a learning experience for our team and we also hope to learn from you, as well as with you!

This blog reflects UNIO’s commitment to contributing to the expansion of knowledge on EU law, making EU discourse more accessible to all those who are passionate about European Union issues.

Official Blog of UNIO