Project Description

Workshop/Seminar “A prova de ADN e os direitos processuais do arguido” | April 7th

The Interdisciplinary Research Center for Human Rights organizes a workshop/seminary dedicated to one of the most controversial issues nowadays: “The DNA test and the procedural rights of the defendant”, next April 7, beginning at 14.30h at the School of Law, University of Minho. This initiative aims to bring to discussion the main issues and challenges posed today to the protection of human rights when it comes to the production and valuation of DNA evidence in criminal proceedings. In particular, it is intended to critically analyze the existing regulations in Portugal and Spain on the production and valuation of DNA evidence in criminal proceedings, as well as databases of DNA profiles.

Centro de Investigação Interdisciplinar de Direitos Humanos

Scientific Coordination
Margarida Santos
Manuel Simas Santos
Fernando Conde Monteiro

Check out the program here.