Author(s) Duarte Teixeira Rocha
Advisor(s) Mário João Ferreira Monte 
Year 2013

Synopsis My report of professional activity consists primarily in the presentation and discussion of a controversial issue, which I learned when appointing a defendant to defend in court. I chose this topic because I think interesting to study and discuss the numerous jurisprudential and doctrinal differences concerning the criminalisation of the falsity of testimony. After exposing and analyzing the various doctrinal and jurisprudential currents on the issue at hand, which will conclude in my humble understanding, is the best solution against the current legislation.

See more here.


December 31st, 2013

Author(s) Duarte Teixeira Rocha
Advisor(s) Mário João Ferreira Monte 
Year 2013

Synopsis My report of professional activity consists primarily in the presentation and discussion of a controversial issue, which I learned when appointing a defendant to defend in court. I chose this topic because I think interesting to study and discuss the numerous jurisprudential and doctrinal differences concerning the criminalisation of the falsity of testimony. After exposing and analyzing the various doctrinal and jurisprudential currents on the issue at hand, which will conclude in my humble understanding, is the best solution against the current legislation.

See more here.


December 31st, 2013